projectMENTOR - Project Art
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projectMENTOR 2025


Exhibition Dates

Coming Spring 2025


About the Program

2025 projectMENTOR applications have been submitted.  Check back in Fall 2025 for the 2026 projectMENTOR application process!


ProjectMENTOR pairs Wimberley area students in grades 7-12 with professional artists for a semester-long apprenticeship.


Students experience the creative process from conception to sale, learning both the business and creation aspects of being a working artist.


Work sessions are typically held January-April, resulting in an end-of-program art exhibition accompanied by an opening reception, held in early May.


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Program Overview

1. projectART Wimberley will open and begin accepting projectMENTOR student applications during the fall semester (typically October or November). Qualification for participation will be contingent on the accurate completion of the application as well as participation in the associated information session. Student selections are ultimately made with budget, transportation, and availability considerations in mind, however, student enthusiasm, proactive communication, and a strong commitment to the program goals are qualities especially sought.


2. Selected student and mentor artist pairs will aim to have at least 6 work sessions together between January and April. Typically, these sessions will take place at the mentor artist’s studio. Sessions will be held outside of the school day and the student artist’s guardian will agree to be responsible for chaperoning the work sessions as well as transportation to and from the artist’s studio. Should transportation be an obstacle, please reach out and projectART will make accommodations, if possible.


3. In addition to creating art works, sessions will include learning about the creative process from inception to execution and the business of being an artist (such as professional opportunities for studio artists, commercial artists, and other opportunities, etc.) how artists title, price, and sell their work, etc.


4. Selected student and mentor artist pairs will aim to create one or more art works during the semester: with all pieces submitted to projectART Wimberley on or before the end of April. At that time, one or more of the submitted works will be selected by the projectART curation team for presentation in the projectMENTOR gallery exhibition. An important component of the program has historically been the presentation of at least one piece, per student artist, for auction with the proceeds from its sale benefitting projectART programming and initiatives. However, the program’s priority is to ensure an enriching experience for each student artist’s with at least one quality piece is produced, regardless of whether or not it is ultimately listed for auction.


5. Ahead of the exhibition, both student and mentor artists agree to provide projectART with a written statement about working with their mentor artist and what they gained from the experience. They also agree to submit details about the completed works, including full name, title, date, medium, etc.

Responsibilities of Participating Parties

projectART Wimberley

  • Provide a stipend of up to $200 per student artist to each mentor artist
  • Provide insurance for mentor artists’ studios and background checks for each mentor artist
  • Recruit student & mentor artists
  • Photos, publicity and organization of gallery art exhibition
  • Safely store student work until the exhibition
  • Communicate with all parties, resolve issues, and help everyone stay on schedule


Art Teachers

  • Help provide program information to students
  • Collect all permissions (program permission & photo release) from participating students
  • Publicize end of program art exhibition to parents and students, attend art show


Mentor Artists

  • Complete a background check with projectART Wimberley
  • Coordinate work sessions with student artist and their guardians
  • Provide studio location, supplies, and tools (alternate studio space available, if needed)
  • Be an active participant in guiding the student artist through their work sessions, sharing personal experience as a professional artist, and how to take a creative idea from conception to sale
  • Turn one completed student project to projectART Wimberley by the end of April (with title and description of media)
  • Mentor artists may contribute one work of art for the gallery exhibition as well (option for sale)
  • Contribute a written statement about working with their student artist and what they gained from the experience
  • Attend the art exhibition opening reception



  • Read and understand all program information, then return permission slip AND photo release (fully completed)
  • Coordinate work sessions and transportation with the mentor artist; ensure student artist attends all work sessions
  • Respond to communication from mentor artist or projectART within 24 hours
  • Pick up the student artist from all work sessions on time or stay during the work sessions as a chaperone
  • Attend the art exhibition opening reception


Student Artists

  • Coordinate work sessions and transportation with the mentor artist
  • Attend all work sessions and participate actively in the creative process
  • Respond to communication from mentor artist or projectART within 24 hours
  • Participate in interviews, photo and video sessions as requested
  • Provide one work of art to projectART
  • Attend the art show opening reception in May
  • Contribute a written statement about working with their mentor artist and what they gained from the experience.